Pedagogia: Lezione 6 - Famiglia e scuola come Agenzia di socializzazione Family and school as an agency of socialization
all events, the forms of expression, of a child are influenced and sometimes determined by the relationship with the social environment in which he lives and grows.
Language learning, the acquisition of a less self-centered behavior, the establishment in the child's needs and interests, play activities and self-expression, his own emotional manifestations are the result of a complex interplay of constraints imposed by culture and by the group in which they live.
This culture, which exists in every human group, is to "use all those techniques, production and behavior, by which a group of men is able to satisfy his needs, to protect themselves against the hostility of the physical and biological and work and live together in a more or less orderly and peaceful " . (R. Zavallone - F. Montuschi).
The resulting constraints are not necessarily negative; sometimes possible to determine in the individual behaviors and positive attitudes of life, such as learning to speak, walk and communicate, etc.. in this case are believed to be highly educational.
The phenomenon assumes a negative value when it creates cultural disadvantages and deprivations which cause a depletion of resources and intelligence.
Sociologists have well demonstrated how powerful are the effects of social conditioning and learning as the latter was statistically determined from learning of an individual to a particular social group.
In particular, the correlation between cultural factors and intellectual development has been carefully studied in psychological, educational psychology, sociology: has nevertheless found that intellectual development is "largely the story of the gradual socialization of thought social adjustment and then increasingly penetrated by the influences of his environment. " (J. Piaget).
"Therefore, in the socialization process, the environment arises as a set of conditioning factors including not should we ignore the role of family and school, or those who, together with other institutions, have been called 'agents socializer.' "(L. Gallino).
The family situation , in order to the limitations resulting from it, is "crucial in creating behaviors and attitudes in preparation for those who will be subject to the taking up and pursuit of social roles." (O. Petrelli).
And 'demonstrated that lower socio-economic household negatively affects the child due to poor nutrition, poor and overcrowded housing, poor sanitation.
But besides these factors, not so crucial in following the increase in economic welfare, there are others in relation to sure, but not necessarily with the economic situation.
They are: parental attitudes toward school, climate, culture lived in the family, in particular, type of language used by parents.
As for the social formation of the subject, in fact, a lot depends on "the type of behavior and attitudes of parents towards their children, from possessing or not a particular set of culture, or finally being less open and sensitive to social ". (O. Petrelli).
The phenomena of development of our society were retraced on revolutionizing life in his internal and, therefore, the relationships among its members.
Unlike the patriarchal family, consisting of several families linked by close ties of blood and under the authority of the 'old', the current family has acquired a decidedly nuclear power for the tight relationship, but there is no doubt that Unlike the traditional family, it gives the child a greater chance of achieving more freely the different spontaneous activities.
Beyond socializing function of positive or negative role played by the family, it is certain that it stands on one side "as an institution that already has rules, values \u200b\u200band behaviors and the other as through between the individual himself and society, by providing interpretation, evaluation and discrimination in regard to the different aspects and problems of historical, political, economic, social and cultural. "(O. Petrelli).
After the family, the child suffers the influence of other social structure, the school where education is being implemented as intended by the transmission of culture to the younger adult generations.
It operates "like a wedge between the expansive family and the roles of adult life gradually increasing its area of \u200b\u200bpenetration and influence as an agent of socialization and, by virtue of this, as an agent of selection for the placement of individuals in different social positions. "(L. Gallino).
We have seen how the family experiences made by the child, influence his way of acting up to his first entry into a school that should do the work of deconditioning freeing the child's personality influences negative, oppressive and alienating, but also rebuilding the same in a promotional environment that is able to give everyone the ability to be himself overcoming all forms of conditioning.
Sometimes the school also becomes a source of negative conditioning because they can not compensate the disadvantage that they are the children of depressed families, rather the worse with disapproval, poor housing, lack of effective collaboration between teachers and, above all, ignoring the experience and the personality type of each child from a different social stratum. _________________________________________
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