Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Make An Edible Animal Cell

PEDAGOGY: 3rd Topic - Socialization in adolescence


The social life began as a teenager living in the age requirement and need in the natural search of the independent status of our society, technologically advanced, prevents placing the young in a marginal position and dependency continues to the adult world, which, in this way becomes frustrating for him, because of tensions and internal conflicts that lead to antisocial or aggressive behavior and (juvenile delinquency), or avoiding social contact, isolation characterized by attitudes of introspection, research compensatory status of youth, creating a world staff and fantastic.

It can therefore understand how this growing social life, during adolescence, this increasingly felt need to be part of a group, to be accepted by their peers, it is not causal or minor.

Before going further in the speech, because we believe it is useful to clarify the independent status in the culture is denied the teenager.

"The moment when an individual reaches adult status depends on the particular company in which he lives" (G. Lutte).

In primitive societies, for example, that achievement is the result of physical maturity, advanced civilization in the mind the moment when the young adult is considered lasts.

"This is required by the greater complexity of adult status, which requires more preparation time and is made possible by the longer duration of life and economic situation of the society in which the productive work of adolescents is not only necessary for the community, but it can also be a unwelcome competition for adults.

This delay in recognizing the social maturity to the young is therefore a prerequisite to the progress and survival of a society in piiĆ¹ perfected. "(G. Lutte).

However, the extension of adolescence is inevitably in such a way as to cause various difficulties caused by the "status" ambiguous and changing the teenager in today's society.
"No one knows exactly what are your duties and rights "(G. Lutte).

no coincidence that the groups of teenagers are social in nature: their conversations relate in particular to problems of social adjustment than those that are most troubling them.

The first fundamental feature of adolescent peers is thus to better satisfy or compensate for demands not met the "status" independent. This explains the orientation anti-adult adolescent who sees adults as representatives of a privileged caste that denies what they aspire and therefore rejects those norms and values \u200b\u200bprevailing propostigli as the goals of creating maturity as a source of status, a "subculture" opposite teen with the general and adult, but not without a certain conformity occurred in several ways: in the way of speaking and dress, preferences, in opinions, in prejudice.

"It is already well known that the typical adolescent is a critical phase, marked by a series of conflicts, tensions, doubts, and so on. But in this case highlights the inability of society to help young people to fit in it (as ritardala their assumption of responsibility that we know to be a source of gratification for the adult) or even favoring the ambiguity of their self-evaluation by requiring them contradictory identifications with the state of childhood, and with that their adulthood: in this sense can understand the trend of association between them and the formation of a sub-culture of their opposition, if not complete denial of the adult world "(P. Bertolini).

However, the adolescent contempt for the adult world is really contempt for something ardently desired, but impossible to obtain.

"In essence, members of the group take a certain type of organization and a certain set of ideals and objectives that are the same as the adult society "(G. Lutte).

independence from adults stems from their own development of forms of action that would allow those ideals.

fact, just the teenager as an adult can enter into the adult world, he immediately disappears in any attitude of opposition or scorn.

It 'obvious that he does not consider its final status in the group, but the lives temporarily.

"The group is, is but a" ersatz ", a surrogate for what is wanted, the status in the adult world" (G. Lutte).

However, the group is not only a solution to the deprivation of the independent status so that the adolescent finds a sense of social identity, but it responds to other needs and the needs of this age. First, give the guy

experience of teaching social collaboration with peers and to address all the problems of social life in full equality with the other members of the group, developing a sense of friendship in this age group around which condenses the life of the report.

is believed generally that the need for friendship is toghether, adolescents, need to know.

"The group is also an association for Conoco better themselves, to compete with others.
psychologists maintain that the conquest of their own identity on the relationship with others is essential" (R. Zavala - F. Montuschi) . Therefore

group life through a mutual exchange with others is not a continuous set against giving way to each of us to understand who we really are, to know our true entity.

"The self-analytic attitude seems to lose its effectiveness if the boy is unable to carry out more intensely in the presence of another person" (R. Zavala - F. Montuschi).

"Being in two very different psychological situation is a very comfortable and the one where one is alone" (G. Petter).

The teenager loves to trust and then give vent to his inner conflicts, so that if he feels unappreciated at home, can be found in loving advice, approval, or even critical always in conditions of equality.

"The fellow with whom he enters into a bond of friendship in this case becomes for him a sort of alter ego: one part as a continuation and completion of his personality (so as to share their desires, its concerns, its emotions), the other is a being in which he reflects in a certain way, a being whose responses place him at all times be able to assess the quality of its judgments and the quality, the meaning and scope of their actions "(G. Petter).

The teenager then living in the group a series of new compensatory experiences of those states of anxiety, indecision, uncertainty characteristic periods of transition when you change your way of thinking and acting in which the support of the other satisfies the need to preserve or recover a sense of security, have someone accompany him in all those situations in which the action adult has voluntarily left aside.

Thanks to the support of the adolescent group began a gradual emancipation of the family: to define the group for the right of self-determining rules of conduct he says their autonomy, precisely because it is no different from his peers.

This would imply a transfer of affective valence: When expanding social relationships, the adolescent moves away emotionally from family and research new sources of affection.

functions of the group as a whole, it can therefore understand how important it has in adolescent development, "in primitive societies, in fact, even in civilized societies-type agriculture, such groups exist for young people to participate in community life and were quickly integrated into the world of work "(G. Lutte).

Freedom of choice not only individual but also answer the need for independence of new experiences, the discovery of their social status, autonomy, integration with others, defense of frustration, the guilt and anxiety, life group clearly favors that the socialization process of adaptation to the environment or in a vision of social antiegoistica based on collaboration, on the understanding and mutual respect.


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Monday, January 24, 2011

Inflatable Rings Baby Walker

PEDAGOGY: 3rd Topic - Socialization in adolescence


This, therefore, highlights the difficulties of communication relationships between the teenager and his family context. This problem relationship to the child and the parents of the young stems from the need to overcome the "status" of addiction and parental contain and direct his sexual feelings towards people new to what had been the primary object of his erotic emotional attachment.

"Only after having performed these tasks he is able to consolidate its identity and role models that will integrate as an adult, to discover their own identity, sexual and emotional impulses to associate in an intimate relationship with another being." (T. Lidz)

"It may happen that a guy does not take a quiet and respectful behavior toward their parents, but usually in adolescence is a time of rebellion and ... .. conformism. The violence of the rebellion is often a measure of the pull needed to break ties with parents, rather than an indication of the boy's hostility towards them.

He must convince himself as much as parents who did not need them and that both he and they are much changed from the time he was just a child "(T. Lindz).

We say, therefore, that" the 'Adolescence is a reorganization of the personality on the basis of independence: in fact, adolescence research an independent status and no longer wants to be the satellite of its parents or adults. "(G. Lutte)

The teenager, Therefore, we feel closest adult and wants to be treated as such, wants to have a status of a mature man.

He dresses like an adult, has the body of an adult, been interested in the social relations in general; in turn owns all the intellectual mechanisms that characterize the adult mental life. However, even if he is still missing in an effective maturity and the set of knowledge and experiences of men and situations, the presence of new physical and psychological factors is enough to give the impression of being released from childhood. "He feels, therefore, no longer belongs to the group of 'children' from which indeed tends to diverge most clearly. Being in the direction of the future is what fuels this desire for differentiation and the concomitant desire to be accepted on an equal footing in the adult group (G. Petter).

"The adolescent is no longer a child, his physical and psychological maturity has endowed the the power of procreation and of adult height; intellectual development does have access to a rational level, enables him to reason, to understand the ideas, interest and participation in environmental ideologies "(G. Lutte).

New forces , new needs, not just sexual, but also social buzz about the teenager who find it difficult to initially grasp the unity of what it was before, that a child and it is now, that is, adolescent, and then to grasp the identity of "self".

Where this identity is lacking, there is dispersion, loss, namely the difficulty to combine the past and the present and the same uncertainty about what to do, how to live the new forces. It was that or a negative attitude towards this new situation, like a child wants to stay or try to continue the games and past experiences, or you want to be adults now renouncing what is the time of adolescence.

Thus, if the company will realize that the adolescent is no longer a child, but now is an individual who is placing problems new, independent and free, leaving the responsibility, the boy will grow and mature in its social experience, passing in a more easy and calm the critical moment.


Under the Law of the Civil Code and the reproduction of these lessons or parts thereof by any means, electronic, mechanical, etc.., Except for those requiring it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Distance Hoop Free Throw Line

PEDAGOGY: 3rd Topic - Socialization in adolescence


Correspondingly the physical, in the period pre-adolescent begins the process that prepares the maturation of the adult, which motivates the individual to seek a "status" and to assert itself independently through his own works: "At the same time the boy is a more mature both in terms of knowledge and paino on social: he strongly feels the need to be accepted by their peers and by those who hold authoritarian rule against him (teachers, heads of associations, etc.). and that require a more mature and more responsible behavior "(M. lump).

So he goes from a state of self-absorption to a state of co-operation to meet its needs and solve their problems. We shall see later how important importance for the life of the adolescent group, as an experience of social life. The progressive development of thought in terms of knowledge leads the young to be aware of their identity, he begins to realize the capabilities and limitations of personal existence of a social reality that surrounds him in which, now, plunges and identifies consideration and to find more gratification.

"The first symptom of psychological transformation is likely to increase tension to maturity. In short, the more aggressively address the problems of life, the need for independence of parental control, the effort to reach maturity, the fight an adaptation to heterosexual come together in what is called typical adolescent behavior "(Schonfeld WA).

" The intellectual autonomy that new acquisitions are made possible, easily leads the young to feel dissatisfied and in many cases real intolerance of certain beliefs and principles and adult classes are trying to convey is that they are accompanied by demonstrations "(G. Petter).

It is, therefore, a situation of" psychological marginality "voluntary adolescent manifested by a need to break away from family and gradually begin to have new experiences that provide opportunities to develop the personal beliefs and be aware of their value.

He detaches itself from the family to which assume a critical attitude to try new models in which to identify, however, for a time will be in a situation characterized by alternating periods of voluntary "exit" from the environment and "falls" , also volunteers.

The teenager, then in addition to the need to make knowledge and experiences outside the family, may feel motivated to re-enter at any time regaining that sense of security and protection all the time that the search for new experiences determines the situations he anxiety-inducing and emotions too intense.

Such experiences, limited initially to the knowledge of independent sites and new situations, and later directed primarily social situations, particularly to relationships with peers. But this need to have experiences different than those experienced in family, not only due to the desire to personally develop their own ideas and beliefs, but also a consequence of a certain situation, this time is no longer voluntary, but that is only suffered because of conflicts and misunderstandings in relationships with family and other adults in general: the "social marginalization".


Under the Law of the Civil Code and the reproduction of these lessons or part them by any means, electronic, mechanical, etc.., except for those requiring it.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Where Do You Buy A Blue Tux With A Black Tie

SHOOTING LESSONS - Communication

Monday, January 17, 2011 Education will resume regular classes suspended for the holiday passed.