Monday, December 6, 2010

Techniques For Masterbation

Pedagogy: Lesson 4 - Specific issues of implementation of deconditioning.


deconditioning, poses many specific problems of implementation in psycho-education and knowledge, even if only for guidance, of these problems.

There is a close relationship between the purpose of deconditioning and purposes of education and therefore, it seems appropriate mention the nature of the handicaps faced by children of lower social classes and which are the root causes of academic failure.

can be identified: cognitive disadvantages, non-cognitive language.

The first manifest as an inability to perceptual discrimination, inability to concentrate, extraction, symbols, reports minutes, slow development of detection capabilities and deduction.

linguistic disadvantages occur, such as Bernstein insists, with a low in the syntactic structure of the sentence; little use of prepositions, subordinate, inability to maintain a formal argument for a sequence of speech.

The disadvantages can be recognized in the non-cognitive behavior sometimes aggressive person.

To eliminate these disadvantages it is necessary to act with clearly defined objectives that planning should never be confused with the order, but they always focus on developing a personality in the process of self-actualization. The right to education must confugurarsi as the right to development and it must be guaranteed by the company.

It is considered that subject from culturally disadvantaged classes, are slow learners. And 'one of the reasons that doomed them and for them, the school must take methodologies that are in relationships with their personal learning opportunities.

response to this need that the policy of individualisation, if desirable for "the entire universe of the students," it is better for the young disadvantaged. In the school

individualized treatments are designed to adapt teaching to each of the children, who "are all different from each other and have each its own characteristics: the degree and nature of their intelligence, their manifestation of temperament and their character .... " (R. Dottrens).

The individualized teaching, it makes sense if one takes into account the initial conditions of the pupil and promises in the future, it decrypts, as much as possible, not only the level of knowledge, but the quality of care, their organic nature, their dynamic significance in relation to subsequent learning.

disadvantaged pupils are poorly stimulated from schooling, they seem aware of the disadvantage, not passively accept their condition, do not take advantage of special cultural stimulation. There

Ausubel noted as "a low intrinsic motivation to learn. They come from family and cultural environments in which the worship of learning in itself is not a significant value and where the tradition of little or no culture is the method ... more effective to develop intrinsic motivation to learn is to concentrate on cognitive rather than on those motivational learning. "(DP Ausembel).

The individualisation of teaching, although it can not be considered as the basic rule for the recovery of misfits is certainly a criterion by which one can not ignore if you want to start an education decondizionante.

Teaching has been described as "a process of internalization which is mainly based on verbal communication that takes place between the teacher and students during certain activities." (E. Amidon - E. Hunter).

This might seem favorable for the recovery of disadvantaged children whose condition is attributable to the poverty of language. At school, however, who speaks the most is the teacher at the expense of students. The dialogue should become a key educational policy because, through it the people handling the syntax and beyond in part the difficulties of encoding and decoding a linguistic code. It therefore asks that the teacher is open to dialogue and offer opportunities for participation to each student. It is hoped that the teacher, more attentive to every need, open spaces for the different areas of learning by facilitating their participation, because the student could benefit from opportunities.

The interest of the teacher should be directed to help the subjects to perceive and interpret their feelings, understand themselves and others, increase interest in the world.

"Education is a human awakening ... decondition culturally a child, and rekindle their arouse curiosity, an admirable attitude that extends to touch, explore, query, but often neglects his family and deter and prevent, leading to the Fugl lethargy and laziness of the mind.

curiosity ... is 'daughter of ignorance', but becomes 'mother of wisdom' when there is someone who can and want to meet this fantastic 'hunger for the spirit' "(S. Spini - W . Ferrarotti).

The school can not exhaust its role in enculturation but must promote the spirit of curiosity and observation closer to the ways of approaching the experience of the disadvantaged child in order to enhance the educational potential of each. In this way contribute to "erode" the social differences which carries the subject of social status econimico lower.


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