Monday, January 17, 2011

Distance Hoop Free Throw Line

PEDAGOGY: 3rd Topic - Socialization in adolescence


Correspondingly the physical, in the period pre-adolescent begins the process that prepares the maturation of the adult, which motivates the individual to seek a "status" and to assert itself independently through his own works: "At the same time the boy is a more mature both in terms of knowledge and paino on social: he strongly feels the need to be accepted by their peers and by those who hold authoritarian rule against him (teachers, heads of associations, etc.). and that require a more mature and more responsible behavior "(M. lump).

So he goes from a state of self-absorption to a state of co-operation to meet its needs and solve their problems. We shall see later how important importance for the life of the adolescent group, as an experience of social life. The progressive development of thought in terms of knowledge leads the young to be aware of their identity, he begins to realize the capabilities and limitations of personal existence of a social reality that surrounds him in which, now, plunges and identifies consideration and to find more gratification.

"The first symptom of psychological transformation is likely to increase tension to maturity. In short, the more aggressively address the problems of life, the need for independence of parental control, the effort to reach maturity, the fight an adaptation to heterosexual come together in what is called typical adolescent behavior "(Schonfeld WA).

" The intellectual autonomy that new acquisitions are made possible, easily leads the young to feel dissatisfied and in many cases real intolerance of certain beliefs and principles and adult classes are trying to convey is that they are accompanied by demonstrations "(G. Petter).

It is, therefore, a situation of" psychological marginality "voluntary adolescent manifested by a need to break away from family and gradually begin to have new experiences that provide opportunities to develop the personal beliefs and be aware of their value.

He detaches itself from the family to which assume a critical attitude to try new models in which to identify, however, for a time will be in a situation characterized by alternating periods of voluntary "exit" from the environment and "falls" , also volunteers.

The teenager, then in addition to the need to make knowledge and experiences outside the family, may feel motivated to re-enter at any time regaining that sense of security and protection all the time that the search for new experiences determines the situations he anxiety-inducing and emotions too intense.

Such experiences, limited initially to the knowledge of independent sites and new situations, and later directed primarily social situations, particularly to relationships with peers. But this need to have experiences different than those experienced in family, not only due to the desire to personally develop their own ideas and beliefs, but also a consequence of a certain situation, this time is no longer voluntary, but that is only suffered because of conflicts and misunderstandings in relationships with family and other adults in general: the "social marginalization".


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