Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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The Fate of the Elements

Fate and elements are always in harmony, they represent the same nature and at the same time, derive their power and features of caratterdagli elements. Hence, for each of these (Air, Water, Earth and Fire) the main features of these fascinating creatures.

The Fate of the Fire Fire is a natural phenomena that are associated with fairies. During the magical rites, in the equinoxes and solstices were lit in the fireplaces in the woods and they danced around the fire. The Fate of the spirit of fire are changing in nature, and can become very hostile when they are offended. Living in a fire, a spark, a flash even in static clothing. If you are one of the lucky ones to have it at home, remember to treat her well and show gratitude. The stronger and more energetic creatures of all four elements are certainly the flames, which belong, of course, to the spirits of fire. Without them, the fire could not exist, it is their action that gives rise to that little spark that will later become the focus. Their help may be required, but beware, it might be awkward, because the flame lighter may result in a tremendous fire out of his control, especially because they do not include almost entirely the result of their actions. Yes appear as sparks, or small balls of fire, they are also able to change their size at will.
can, in nature, be also in the form of a lizard which lie dormant near heat sources.

The Fate of the Earth Fairies of the Earth are spiritually the strength and nature.
They live among rocks, in caves or deep in the ground. The fairies of the ground work to maintain the physical structure of soil. Their close relationship to the land and its metal means that these fairies gift gold or other precious metals to humans. The fairies of the earth are the most varied because they understand the fairies of the trees, flowers, rocks and caves.
The fairies of the land difficult to leave their own territory, leading a sedentary life. They protect the fertility and family.

source: http://www.ilboscodisellena.fan-club.it

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The Fate of Air All
Let wings possess this characteristic, their job is to produce the most varied from the most gentle breeze to the most violent hurricane.
Often they take the shape of birds or butterflies. The Fate of the air are the most advanced all the others, because they can find the four elements: the wings, symbol of the air, the legs of the earth, the sparkle of the fire and finally the fluttualità symbol of water. The air is a creative force, and then do these features make them intellectually versatile. I am very attracted to creative people and often give them inspiration.
The Fate of the air are the most ethereal of all, almost evanescent.
They protect freedom of thought, intelligence and individuality '. You are traveling a lot, I would say wandering, curious and very friendly.
fairies are protective of children and those they love helping people in need. Moves driven by winds, like snowflakes ...
addition, they often collaborate with the water fairies, who are deeply connected.

Water Fairies Water, an element of regeneration and purification, is the basis of many myths that see the origin of life as a player.
For the Nordic peoples, for example, the water in the primordial ice broke through the hot wind of the south, dripped, and gave birth to the first living being, the giant Ymir. In the Babylonian myths, there was only the beginning of the whole expanse of the primordial waters, this expanse separated two principles, one representative of the freshwater on which rested the earth, the other salt water, and then the sea, which brought forth all creatures. In many other traditions water is the primordial chaos which highlight the earth and the source of life. The same Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty charmer, was born from sea foam (from the greek = Afros white foam) and her priestesses, each spring, bathed in the sea and re-emerge virgins to emphasize the power of purifying and regenerating water.
This category includes not only do you do water, but sirens, ripples and dryads. The water fairies are delicate in appearance, but are perhaps the strongest among the fairies. Are the most beautiful among the fairies of the elements. Water Fairies are those who know the secrets of the unconscious human and are capable of getting inside the minds of men, by reading his thoughts. Protect life and people with esoteric powers

Monday, December 27, 2010

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Fairies Snow
In different parts of Europe and Russia, it is called Fate of the Snow.
Small winged creatures that live, according to the place, alone or in groups.
is said to be responsible for the drawings of snowflakes and their fall, as do the other would be the blossoming of flowers, their shape or coloring autumn leaves.
They have a gentle walk, extremely quiet, only in absolute silence may be heard their steps small and lightweight.
The fairies of the winter are really beautiful.
are dressed in bright white clothes and food from sbrilluccicare so bright!
are often accompanied by white horses with long manes fairy. They have straight hair, blond, blue or white. It 'very rare that they have dark, only a fairy winter, every fifth year, was born late payment.
are the most fascinating and mysterious fairies of the enchanted kingdom. Are of a shy and reserved, like silence, darkness, loneliness. It 'difficult to meet a fairy winter, but the scent feels all season: an 'essence of chestnut and lime that gives a feeling of ice and fire together. It 's a subtle scent, but so intense as to saturate the air and give emotional well-being and happiness. When suddenly, on a cloudy day and clear of ice, leaving the house, early in the morning, we are suddenly enveloped by a wonderful feeling of 'winter, and you turn the uncontrollable desire of hot chocolate and a roaring fire, we open our eyes : a sweet fairy winter is all around us, spreading powder snow in the air

source: http://www.ilboscodisellena.fan-club.it/le_fate_della_neve_p381221.html

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The Flyers Christmas

is believed to be linked to Elf's Christmas Sicilian tradition. It is part of the family of the Goblins guardians of the treasures, it belongs to the group of elves called Merchants. The goblins of Christmas spirit in nature and are always cheerful and is very far-sighted and have treasures of great value. They have the gift of 'invisibility and moves with the thought. It lives in small caves carved from the roots of trees ... where the entrance is always a small shiny object, his great passion. It 's a frequent visitor of the old cellars and attics of the houses in the countryside. The Christmas Elf is very small in stature, dressed in simple clothes ... and of course prefer the red. Its biggest feature is the large pointed hat, which ends with a pom-pom on the tip ... or a nice bell. It is said that to meet this little Elf is a good omen and bring good fortune to the generous people. E 'attracted by all the shiny objects to make them his friends is advisable to give him small metal ornaments, which are hidden in secret shelters in a flash. The Christmas Elf ago
collection of balls and small objects to hang on the tree. About I leave on a windowsill at night on Christmas Eve, will forever protect the Elf. The Christmas Elf is very greedy and spiteful. It 'should in fact leave under the Christmas tree a cup of hot chocolate and some biscuits. The Elf has a lot of care of his hat, and must ensure that you do not spoil anything, otherwise lost all his powers. Give the Elf needle and thread is a much appreciated gesture that will bring luck to the whole family. Who should see the Pixie around at night on Christmas Eve with a small gold star in hand, he may ask him to fulfill his own desire. The Christmas Elf ... also has a passion for business; it is said that once a year, during the days before Christmas, arrange in a spectacular little-known market, where he exhibits and sells her beautiful and precious treasures. Anyone hear a jingle so ... followed by a Christmas music follow him without thinking, could reach its market, which make interesting purchases. It is said that some objects actually possess magical powers!

source: http://www.ilboscodisellena.fan-club.it/i_folletti_del_natale_p890896.html

Monday, December 20, 2010

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The publication of the Education classes are suspended, will resume after the holidays.

I wish all readers of my blog


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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Below are shown the rules contained in the NORBA Code:
1. Give priority to walkers because the people judge the behavior of your bike.

2. Slow down and use caution in approaching and overcoming cycling or other people who are trekking in the mountains so that being aware of your presence in advance.

3. Always check the speed and handle the curves expecting to be able to meet someone. The gait should be commensurate with the experience of each and the type of terrain.
4. Stay on paths already traced not to cause damage to vegetation and reduce soil erosion avoiding to cut soft soils.

5. Do not scare the animals, whether wild or domesticated. Give them time to move from your path.

6.Non litter. Bring your own and, if possible, collect those abandoned by others.

7. Respect public and private property including signs, leaving the gates as they were found. Possibly contact the owners to ask permission to enter their land, "denied entry" often just means "please ask permission."

8. Always be self-sufficient. Goal to be reached and average speed must always be established depending on the skill personnel, equipment, terrain, weather conditions and existing and planned.
9. Do not travel alone in remote areas, and if you need to cover long distances, always include the destination and travel plans. (Always carry around a phone).

10. Respect the philosophy-hiking cycle, which aims at minimal impact to nature and to respect that.


1. Always use a helmet, if you practice hard routes (freeride), I recommend the use of guards.

2. not go in addition to their ability, for example: a deal do not jump if you are not familiar.

3. not lead to damages or other structures (signs, jumping, etc. ..), lack of respect for those who are committed to working on the trails and keep them clean, even for you


Monday, December 13, 2010

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PEDAGOGY: 3rd Topic - Socialization in adolescence


It is customary to define adolescence as the intermediate stage between childhood and adulthood, namely the evolutionary stage of life characterized by physical and psychosocial changes that end, respectively, with the final stabilization of the body structure and the full functioning of the endocrine system and the acquisition of patterns of behavior towards the surrounding reality and awareness of the problems and internal conflicts felt by the individual mature.

The rapid and unexpected beginning to the physical maturation in girls and ten years to twelve years in children, commonly described as a phase of "pre-adolescence is characterized besides rising height and weight, the transformation of primary and secondary sexual characteristics (hairiness pubic, axillary, increased tone of voice in the male, an appearance in the female menstrual cycle, etc... ...) results in a progressive adolescent and outward processing in the physical structure.

However, the physical changes of adolescence are very important for the psychological effect produced by them on the progress of the individual whose consequences go beyond the normal physical functioning of the organism as, moreover, the effect of psychological disorders impact on the functioning of the body.

"Most of the psychiatrists who are interested retarded physical development of children, they found that this delay often seems to result from emotional disturbances.

The inability to fully mature from the physical point of view at a pace similar to that of others of the same age, raises genuine emotional problems in children physically retarded. Ammenocchè are not dealt with due caution, these problems can have serious psychological influence which the individual tracks Serber for life. "(Josselyn IM).

Therefore we can deduce that there is interdependence between physical maturation and ripening psychological although the latter is characterized by slower and gradual changes, but important.


Under the Law of the Civil Code and the reproduction of these lessons or parts thereof by any means, electronic, mechanical, etc.., Except for those who require the use .

Monday, December 6, 2010

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Pedagogy: Lesson 4 - Specific issues of implementation of deconditioning.


deconditioning, poses many specific problems of implementation in psycho-education and knowledge, even if only for guidance, of these problems.

There is a close relationship between the purpose of deconditioning and purposes of education and therefore, it seems appropriate mention the nature of the handicaps faced by children of lower social classes and which are the root causes of academic failure.

can be identified: cognitive disadvantages, non-cognitive language.

The first manifest as an inability to perceptual discrimination, inability to concentrate, extraction, symbols, reports minutes, slow development of detection capabilities and deduction.

linguistic disadvantages occur, such as Bernstein insists, with a low in the syntactic structure of the sentence; little use of prepositions, subordinate, inability to maintain a formal argument for a sequence of speech.

The disadvantages can be recognized in the non-cognitive behavior sometimes aggressive person.

To eliminate these disadvantages it is necessary to act with clearly defined objectives that planning should never be confused with the order, but they always focus on developing a personality in the process of self-actualization. The right to education must confugurarsi as the right to development and it must be guaranteed by the company.

It is considered that subject from culturally disadvantaged classes, are slow learners. And 'one of the reasons that doomed them and for them, the school must take methodologies that are in relationships with their personal learning opportunities.

response to this need that the policy of individualisation, if desirable for "the entire universe of the students," it is better for the young disadvantaged. In the school

individualized treatments are designed to adapt teaching to each of the children, who "are all different from each other and have each its own characteristics: the degree and nature of their intelligence, their manifestation of temperament and their character .... " (R. Dottrens).

The individualized teaching, it makes sense if one takes into account the initial conditions of the pupil and promises in the future, it decrypts, as much as possible, not only the level of knowledge, but the quality of care, their organic nature, their dynamic significance in relation to subsequent learning.

disadvantaged pupils are poorly stimulated from schooling, they seem aware of the disadvantage, not passively accept their condition, do not take advantage of special cultural stimulation. There

Ausubel noted as "a low intrinsic motivation to learn. They come from family and cultural environments in which the worship of learning in itself is not a significant value and where the tradition of little or no culture is the method ... more effective to develop intrinsic motivation to learn is to concentrate on cognitive rather than on those motivational learning. "(DP Ausembel).

The individualisation of teaching, although it can not be considered as the basic rule for the recovery of misfits is certainly a criterion by which one can not ignore if you want to start an education decondizionante.

Teaching has been described as "a process of internalization which is mainly based on verbal communication that takes place between the teacher and students during certain activities." (E. Amidon - E. Hunter).

This might seem favorable for the recovery of disadvantaged children whose condition is attributable to the poverty of language. At school, however, who speaks the most is the teacher at the expense of students. The dialogue should become a key educational policy because, through it the people handling the syntax and beyond in part the difficulties of encoding and decoding a linguistic code. It therefore asks that the teacher is open to dialogue and offer opportunities for participation to each student. It is hoped that the teacher, more attentive to every need, open spaces for the different areas of learning by facilitating their participation, because the student could benefit from opportunities.

The interest of the teacher should be directed to help the subjects to perceive and interpret their feelings, understand themselves and others, increase interest in the world.

"Education is a human awakening ... decondition culturally a child, and rekindle their arouse curiosity, an admirable attitude that extends to touch, explore, query, but often neglects his family and deter and prevent, leading to the Fugl lethargy and laziness of the mind.

curiosity ... is 'daughter of ignorance', but becomes 'mother of wisdom' when there is someone who can and want to meet this fantastic 'hunger for the spirit' "(S. Spini - W . Ferrarotti).

The school can not exhaust its role in enculturation but must promote the spirit of curiosity and observation closer to the ways of approaching the experience of the disadvantaged child in order to enhance the educational potential of each. In this way contribute to "erode" the social differences which carries the subject of social status econimico lower.


Under the Law of the Civil Code and the reproduction of these lessons or parts thereof by any means, electronic, mechanical, etc.., Except for those requiring it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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Bikers are definitely one of the creatures fantastic better defined the history of art and literature. The image of the warrior's half man and half horse, with the mutation that part where the animal's neck, to continue with upper body, chest, arms and head of a man, remained unchanged throughout the history of literature classical, through the Middle Ages and the nineteenth-century Romanticism to the modern fantasy literature. Do not miss some variations, of course, but the centaur itself has always had the form we know. But in most of the legends, the centaurs are half man and half horse, always originating in the mountains of Thessaly, the homeland of several historic Hellenic monsters. Culture Hellenic people has come to identify with the centaurs negative impulses such as brutality and anger, in fact, looters were seen as brutal, consumers of raw meat, sometimes human, unable to resist their sexual appetites and passion for wine.

source: http://www.fantasymagazine.it/rubriche/7291/i-centauri/

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Le Sirene

The Sirens are women with only power of the voice have the ability to make men what they want. Get their most famous, that of half woman half fish, just from the Middle Ages certainly already appear in the Liber Monstrorum , written towards the end of the sixth century AD. The English writer Norman Douglas (1858 - 1952), although they are so in love with Italy, found traces of fish women in Nordic cultures that are lost in the mists of time, all finished under the name of the Sirens with the advent of Christianity, of course . With the Renaissance, gradually, the sirens begin to lose their original connotation of evil, in some cases making good creatures that save people from the dangers of the sea. I can change appearance when they come out of the water and may have sharp teeth to break shells and scales of marine animals in they feed. Needless to say, the upper body is almost always naked.

source: http://www.fantasymagazine.it/rubriche/5328/le-sirene/