Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Exotic Eye Makeup Pictues


Bikers are definitely one of the creatures fantastic better defined the history of art and literature. The image of the warrior's half man and half horse, with the mutation that part where the animal's neck, to continue with upper body, chest, arms and head of a man, remained unchanged throughout the history of literature classical, through the Middle Ages and the nineteenth-century Romanticism to the modern fantasy literature. Do not miss some variations, of course, but the centaur itself has always had the form we know. But in most of the legends, the centaurs are half man and half horse, always originating in the mountains of Thessaly, the homeland of several historic Hellenic monsters. Culture Hellenic people has come to identify with the centaurs negative impulses such as brutality and anger, in fact, looters were seen as brutal, consumers of raw meat, sometimes human, unable to resist their sexual appetites and passion for wine.



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