Friday, November 26, 2010

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Dragons are mythical creatures, legendary traits coils or similar to reptiles. And 'present in the collective imagination of all cultures, and Western as being evil bringer of death and destruction in the east as a bearer of luck and goodness. The term comes Latin dracon, draconem which in turn derives from the greek δράκων, which means snake. ... The Dragons anmali always been feared by man since ancient times where these gigantic creatures obscure the sleep of people. Extinct have only a dim memory in an increasingly technological world that takes us millions of new innovation in any field and slowly forgotten these beings undisputed ruler of the sky. I am blown away by our thoughts as the falling leaves in autumn than just touch the ground are carried away by the wind and no one gives importance only poor withered leaves, so their memory has disappeared. There are few remaining lovers of these powerful predators in the past, I ... one of them.
If a dragon has wings and no legs, is a Anfither.L 'Anfither live in' South America and is also called the Feathered Serpent, precisely because it is covered with feathers. The dragon has no wings but instead two legs is called Lindorm or Lindworm. There are dragons that are usually represented on the coats of arms.
dragons with wings and two legs are called Wyverns: these too are animals arms and appear in many paintings of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
The dragons have four legs and two wings are generally defined as Western dragons, and dragons with four legs but no wings, are indicated by the name of Eastern Dragons (Recalling the myth of Hercules dragons with multiple heads are commonly known by the name of Hydra).
A dragon with neither wings nor feet, but with two heads is called Anfisbena.
Knucker Finally, a dragon of water from small limbs that move could not fly because the wings are too short.
Dragons more familiar to us, are surely:
the Asian dragon is the typical oriental dragon, the snake-long body, covered with hairs and scales, without wings but still able to fly - even if it is said that these dragons can be grow wings if they live long enough. Has the nose of crocodile, snake body, mane and claws of a lion, but typically it has on the nose the long thread-like whiskers and a crest that runs throughout its length, along the back. It is said by a violent storm arises and before it stops, rises and flies away into the sky before reaching his fellows;
The Western Dragon is perhaps the best known and widespread, so much so that is probably the first image that comes to us to hear the word dragon. This type of dragon it is the most we can expect classic: pointy horns, four legs, membranous wings, waiting for "lizard" and scales and scales all over his body, and the innate ability to breathe fire.


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